









  25年度は、「防衛力の抜本的強化」を掲げ5年間で43兆円超を投じる大軍拡の3年度目。特徴の一つが敵基地攻撃能力の早期整備。長射程ミサイルの量産に着手し、新たに艦艇発射型12式誘導弾の取得に168億円を計上。更に発射プラットフォームの多様化を目的に、潜水艦搭載可能な発射システムの研究費に297億円を充てた。 大軍拡は中国との「安全保障のジレンマ」(軍備増強の負の連鎖)を生み、相互不信による戦争のリスクを高める。 








The government emphasizes that the draft budget of the General Account for the fiscal 2025 is compiled to achieve ‘a growth-locomoting economy through wage hikes and investments.’ But, in fact, it will surge the consumption tax rate and facilitate investments in building up military strength and financially assisting Big Businesses. It is a harsh budget plan for ordinary people to lead a decent life.


Lowering consumption tax rate is necessary

The draft budget compiled by the government counts \115 trillion 541.5 billion, which is increased by approximately \3 trillion from that of the initial budget of the fiscal 2024, being the largest in history.

Revenue is estimated as \78 trillion 440 billion from tax collection, which is much bigger than that of the previous figure, \73 trillion 435 billion, which is calculated together with the additional figure of supplementary budget. The main reason of the bigger revenue lies in the fact that it will grow if prices are rising, a pertinent structure to the consumption tax.

Revenue from the consumption tax is valued as \24 trillion 908 billion, with an increase by \565 billion, if compared with the last fiscal’s figure after being adjusted with the supplementary budget. People’s life is severely hit, which makes them exhausted, due to the price surges and the heavier burden of this tax. The opposition political parties must present a bill to diminish the consumption tax rate.

Oppose huge military build-up!        

Concerning the military budget (in the narrower term), \8 trillion 700.5 billion is allocated with an increase by 9.4% of the initial budget of the last fiscal. This is a consecutive eleventh surge in the amount, the largest in history.

The fiscal 2025 represents the third year of the five-year span during which in total over \43 trillion will be appropriated for developing military strength. One of the characteristic items is earlier groundwork of the capabilities to attack enemy bases. The government has allocated \16.8 billion for obtaining new ship-launched 12-type guided missile warheads, following mass production of long-range missiles. In addition, another \29.7 billion is allocated for research of a firing system to be mounted on submarines with an objective of diversifying the launching platforms.

This kind of military development will trigger a risk of war with China on account of distrust, following the generated national security dilemma (a negative chain of military expansion).

Investments in semi-conductor sector

The Ishiba government continues to commit in the semi-conductor and AI industries and boost investment efforts. Last autumn the government announced the ‘comprehensive economic measures’ in which it plans to officially assist these areas, spending over \10 trillion in the seven-year span. In the supplementary budget approximately \1.5 trillion was allocated. In addition, another \332.8 billion was calculated for these industries in the initial budget compilation for the fiscal 2025.

In particular, the government will intensify assistance to Rapidus Corporation, a semi-conductor manufacturer. The company was founded in August two years ago with participation of eight Japanese companies, including Toyota, Sony, and MUFG Bank, Ltd. They jointly invest with an aim to produce domestically the latest semi-conductors. The government is to invest \100 billion to Rapidus Corporation, being practically the biggest shareholder.

People’s life must be of first priority

The draft budget is to commit in the military build-up program and invest in the gigantic enterprises. In the sector of social services, which is essential, a sum of \130 billion is cut off the natural growth portion, \650 billion. The Ishiba administration governs the country to the detriment of people’s life, expressing ‘a growth-locomoting economy’.

We, the New Socialist Party, oppose the draft budget for the fiscal 2025, demanding the government to change the financial structure so that it will sustain people’s livelihood.

January 15, 2025