No. 1390 President Trump’s Uproar and Japan’s Ordinary Diet Session
How does the Japanese Diet respond to uproar of President Trump’s politics? It seems that both of the ruling and opposition parties try to evade outright discussions. Lawmakers do not seem to sincerely deliberate on the role of Japan. The New Socialist Party requests the Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP), the biggest opposition party, in particular, to encounter the ruling bloc resiliently.
Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru made recently a Diet speech, in which he mentioned ‘a fun Japan’. It lacked a sense of tension and with no fresh point as far as diplomacy and national security are concerned. The premier, probably, did not want to incite the opposition camp as the ruling bloc of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Komeito does not occupy the majority of seats in the parliament, while war preparation processes have been going easily as fait accompli without complications since approval of the controversial three documents on national security.
Key tasks for the opposition parties
Without persevering resistance from the opposition parties, the ruling bloc is successful in:
Integrating commanding mechanism between US and Japan with an assumption of relative decline of power on the side of the United States,
Evolving Japan’s military cooperation with Australia and the Philippines into a lattice system,
Developing military industries and lifting a ban of weapons’ export,
Fortifying the islands in the Southwestern region of Japan, and
Strengthening multilateral military drills with countries, including those of NATO.
Reelection of President Trump will accelerate these courses. Focusing on the inauguration of new US President, Japanese Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense had made busy trips abroad, participating in the QUAD foreign ministers’ meeting, seeking to join the AUKUS structure and attempting to maintain the regional order in the Eastern Asia together with Malaysia and the Philippines.
Foreign Minister Iwaya Tsuyoshi hastily visited Republic of Korea (ROK), in which the trilateral military alignment of US/Japan/ROK faces a danger of ineffectiveness due to the impeachment of President Yun Suk-yeol. At the end of last year, a cooperative body was founded between the US and Japan to launch extended deterrence, but its details remain unannounced. Will the Japanese government share responsibilities with a president who plays with nuclear weapons?
Each of these issues must be debated in the parliament. The most crucial mission of the opposition parties is to stop the path leading to a war.
Prime Minister Ishiba prefers safe driving, avoiding risky words. So, the opposition camp must stage offensives.
Nevertheless, the CDP, the major opposition, does not show a rigid stance. President Noda Yoshihiko expressed his concern during his questioning in the Diet about the US president’s remarks to admit DPRK as a nuclear power. If the lawmaker believes so, he should have insisted that Japan should leave the mechanism of extended deterrence with the US. As for the buoys set up by China around the Senkakus, Mr. Noda openly requested the Japanese government to react sternly. If so, he should have pushed it further to urge the US and China to go to détente.
Fervent deliberations are necessary
The opposition camp should work to reduce the defense budget, if they want fiscal soundness. A CDP’s next speaker, following Mr. Noda, stated that he supports the bigger defense spending, asking for full explanation of the government and elimination of waste of money. He backed a need of proactive cyber defense actions, requesting sufficient debates.
The CDP’s lawmaker asserted to maintain ‘usual, good bilateral relations with ROK’. People and the opposition parties in ROK, however, who impeached President Yun, have felt crisis-ridden, because the Japanese government has concealed responsibilities for the war and provoked tension in the region through the trilateral US-Japan-ROK alliance against ‘North’ Korea.
President Trump told to expel Palestinian citizens from Gaza. The opposition parties in Japan must boldly challenge the current political realities in their parliamentary debates.
「安全運転」の首相は危ないことは口にしない。ならば、野党が攻めるべきだ。 ところが、野党を代表する立憲民主党にはその気がうかがえない。野田佳彦代表の代表質問では、トランプの「北の核保有国」公認に危惧は表明した。ならば今こそ日本は、米国の「拡大抑止」からの離脱を求めてほしい。中国に対しても「尖閣諸島周辺」などへのブイ設置に毅然とした対応は求めたが、米中の緊張緩和への努力をこそ求めるべきだ。
No. 1390 President Trump’s Uproar and Japan’s Ordinary Diet Session
How does the Japanese Diet respond to uproar of President Trump’s politics? It seems that both of the ruling and opposition parties try to evade outright discussions. Lawmakers do not seem to sincerely deliberate on the role of Japan. The New Socialist Party requests the Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP), the biggest opposition party, in particular, to encounter the ruling bloc resiliently.
Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru made recently a Diet speech, in which he mentioned ‘a fun Japan’. It lacked a sense of tension and with no fresh point as far as diplomacy and national security are concerned. The premier, probably, did not want to incite the opposition camp as the ruling bloc of Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Komeito does not occupy the majority of seats in the parliament, while war preparation processes have been going easily as fait accompli without complications since approval of the controversial three documents on national security.
Key tasks for the opposition parties
Without persevering resistance from the opposition parties, the ruling bloc is successful in:
Reelection of President Trump will accelerate these courses. Focusing on the inauguration of new US President, Japanese Premier, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense had made busy trips abroad, participating in the QUAD foreign ministers’ meeting, seeking to join the AUKUS structure and attempting to maintain the regional order in the Eastern Asia together with Malaysia and the Philippines.
Foreign Minister Iwaya Tsuyoshi hastily visited Republic of Korea (ROK), in which the trilateral military alignment of US/Japan/ROK faces a danger of ineffectiveness due to the impeachment of President Yun Suk-yeol. At the end of last year, a cooperative body was founded between the US and Japan to launch extended deterrence, but its details remain unannounced. Will the Japanese government share responsibilities with a president who plays with nuclear weapons?
Each of these issues must be debated in the parliament. The most crucial mission of the opposition parties is to stop the path leading to a war.
Prime Minister Ishiba prefers safe driving, avoiding risky words. So, the opposition camp must stage offensives.
Nevertheless, the CDP, the major opposition, does not show a rigid stance. President Noda Yoshihiko expressed his concern during his questioning in the Diet about the US president’s remarks to admit DPRK as a nuclear power. If the lawmaker believes so, he should have insisted that Japan should leave the mechanism of extended deterrence with the US. As for the buoys set up by China around the Senkakus, Mr. Noda openly requested the Japanese government to react sternly. If so, he should have pushed it further to urge the US and China to go to détente.
Fervent deliberations are necessary
The opposition camp should work to reduce the defense budget, if they want fiscal soundness. A CDP’s next speaker, following Mr. Noda, stated that he supports the bigger defense spending, asking for full explanation of the government and elimination of waste of money. He backed a need of proactive cyber defense actions, requesting sufficient debates.
The CDP’s lawmaker asserted to maintain ‘usual, good bilateral relations with ROK’. People and the opposition parties in ROK, however, who impeached President Yun, have felt crisis-ridden, because the Japanese government has concealed responsibilities for the war and provoked tension in the region through the trilateral US-Japan-ROK alliance against ‘North’ Korea.
President Trump told to expel Palestinian citizens from Gaza. The opposition parties in Japan must boldly challenge the current political realities in their parliamentary debates.
February 12, 2025