




  所得税には、基礎控除(48万円)と給与所得控除(最低55万円)があり、年収103万円以下の人は非課税となる。 専業主婦のパートなどで、年収103万円を超えると所得課税され、配偶者控除も受けられなくなるので、就労を103万円以内に抑える人が多くいて、「年収103万円の壁」と呼ばれてきた。 








  課税最低ラインの引き上げに異論はない。しかし、国民民主の提案は現行税率を変えないため、高所得者ほど手取りが多くなるし、所得税収は与党が主張するように減る。 しかも、年収103万円以下の人には全く恩恵がない。そのため、連合傘下の恵まれた労働者のための減税ではないかと言われる。労働者は春闘で賃上げを勝ち取り、手取りを増やすのが本筋だ。 



No. 1392 A Barrier of 1.03 million Yen

The Kokumin Minshu Party (=Party for the People) made an election pledge during the campaign for the House of Representatives last October: to increase net incomes for the working population. The party has obtained 28 seats successfully in the parliament, growing from seven lawmakers and setting a four-times bigger growth record. Its pledge was to raise the minimum line of income tax payment, surging ‘from the current annual income of 1.03 million yen to 1.78 million yen.’


A barrier of \1.03 million

An income tax is not levied on a person who earns less than 1.03 million yen a year, when it is adjusted in accordance with the rules of a deduction for basic earnings (\480,000) and a deduction provided for salary incomes (minimally \550,000).

When a housewife works as a part-time worker and her earning exceeds annually 1.03 million yen, then she has to pay income tax and her spouse cannot enjoy a deduction measure for a spouse. And so, many of women try to work so that her income may not surpass this limit. This has been called ‘a barrier of 1.03 million yen’.

A proposal from the Kokumin-Minshu Party

The proposal is as follows; a deduction for basic earnings shall count \1.23 million with a hike by \750,000 and a deduction for salary income shall remain the same. Thus, a person with an annual income of 1.78 million yen is regarded as untaxable. So, people whose income a year is over \1.03 million can have a bigger earning, as the measure is applied unanimously.

The coalition of ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and the Komeito failed to gain the majority in the election for the House of Representatives last year. They are obliged to cooperate with the above-mentioned party. The coalition has responded to the proposal of \1.78 million, presenting the minimum taxable line of \1.23 million in the meetings to pursue cooperation. Because it estimated a decrease in tax revenue as \7-8 trillion in the national budget account.

Their idea is as follows: with surges by \100,000, respectively, in the deduction merits for basic earnings and salary incomes, up to \750,000. The administration is planned to implement this policy from the fiscal 2025, saying that an actual tax reduction will be made in the year-end tax adjustment.

For students – Free tuition and scholarships without reimbursement

When a college student works, earning over \1.03 million a year, he/she is taxed. If an income exceeds \1.30 million, he/she is disqualified as a dependent of their parent(s), and so, he/she has to pay healthcare premiums. As for students between 19 and 22 years of age, the parent(s) can enjoy a special tax deduction measure for supporting children, amounting \630,000, if their annual earning is less than \1.03 million (for students younger than 18 years old, parent(s) have a deduction of \380,000).

Reportedly, the ruling bloc suggested the minimum line of \1.5 million for college students instead of \1.23 million.

Please consider that more precisely. If a student works very hard to attain that level, he/she will have difficulties in their duties. Instead, it is much better to make tuition fee free and provide scholarships without repayment.

Progressive taxation

We do agree to a policy to raise the minimum taxable income line. But as far as the proposal from the Kokumin-Minshu is concerned, it is not reasonable; the bigger income earners enjoy the bigger actual income, because the party is not to change the current taxing rates. As for tax revenue, it will shrink as the ruling bloc says.

Besides, the Kokumin-Minshu’s proposal is totally unbeneficial to those who earn an income less than \1.03 million. That is why people say that the tax deduction policy is designed for wealthy workers organized by the Rengo. Workers should increase their net income for themselves by way of fighting in the campaign of Spring Labor Offensive.

The Kokumin-Minshu Party should prioritize their pledge of the consumption tax cut down to 5% instead of an ‘increase of a net salary/’

Unless the government intensifies a rule of progressive taxation and avoid a tax revenue decrease, budgets for education and social services will go down, even if a taxable income line is heightened.

February 26, 2025