





 こうして政党が獲得した議席数から、小選挙区での獲得議席数を引いた差が比例区での当選者数となり、名簿の上位から当選者が決まる。比例区で5%の得票を得られなかった政党には、議席が割り当てられない( 但し、小選挙区での当選者には無条件で議席が与えられる)という欠点はあるが、民意を比較的正しく反映する選挙制度だ。












No. 1224 Attention Points in General Election in Germany

The German Parliament election is scheduled to vote on September 26, 2021.It is envisaged that the two political parties which form the current coalition might not gain the majority and that the Greens may come in as a new component. Their policy lines are different respectively, and so negotiation to form partnership will be tough.


Election system in Germany

Comparing with the Japan’s small constituency system accompanied by the proportional representation channel of the general elections to elect lawmakers of the House of Representatives, the German federal election system combined with the proportional representation course is quite different. The same point lies in that a voter has two ballots to elect a candidate and a political party.

In Germany a political party will be given legislative seats in accordance with the rate obtained in the proportional representation system (not the number of seats gained through the proportional representation channel). And therefore the number of proportional representation ballots is definitely important.   

Thus, the number of seats which a party obtained in the small constituencies is subtracted from the given seats. The difference is the number of seats of winners, or candidates fielded from the proportional representation system. They are given a seat consecutively along the ranking of the list. If a party fails to win the 5% level of support, no seat is allocated, which is a defect, though. But candidates who have won in the small constituencies are given seats unconditionally. The German electoral system reflects wills of people relatively right.

Points of contention – deficits due to the pandemic

Contentious points include taxes, finance, economy, climate change, transportation, pension and elderly care, housing concerns, labor market, immigrants, foreign affairs and security issues, education and etc.

One of the biggest focal points is how to fill the financial deficits created by the anti-pandemic measures. Concretely speaking, it is whether voters could approve a solution through a tax surging policy to the rich.

Climate change is also a focal point. In July intensive rain storms hit the western region of the country, causing floods along the medium-and-small-sized rivers as well as mud slides. Many houses were destroyed and flown away, yielding several hundreds of death toll and missing.

Germans are inherently keen to environmental issues: the recent disaster has taught them clearly again that climate change relates to natural catastrophe. They are obliged to think over how to reduce speedily carbon-dioxide emissions.

Administration may change

The administration led by Chancellor Merkel has lasted for 16 years. For 12 years of the rule it has been a broad coalition government of CDU/CSU (the Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union) and the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD).

Both of the two parties have astonishingly lost people’s support during the years of coalition; at one time the SPD’s supporting rate was a dozen-digit percentage. At the moment the two parties enjoy more or less 20% of support. Judging from the figures, it is hard to maintain the coalition. Meanwhile the Alliance 90/The Greens is growing, recording some 20% of support.

In Germany political parties do not regard the AfD, a rightist party, as a partner. Several groupings of a coalition administration are plausible from a numerical point of view, including the The Left and the Free Democratic Party, a middle-of-the-road party, but it is uncertain to form a stable administration if the Greens party is uninvolved.

Let’s look at closely the election’s result and subsequent negotiation to shape a government.

September 7, 2021