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Campaigns have started for the 26th round of Upper House election. The New Socialist Party (NSP) has fielded Ms Okazaki Saiko, who is listed as the NSP’s candidate for the proportional representation channel in the joint name list of the Social-Democratic Party (SDP). Today, people earnestly need a third pole of defending the Constitution. Under the circumstances the NSP is making the best efforts to win in the election.


Responding to the results of the last general election held in October 2021, constitutional opposite parties are in enormous turmoil.

The opposition forces are not successful, in the current election, in sharing common candidates in the 32 single-seated constituencies, except for 12 districts. Main reasons for failure lie, without doubt, in the confusions inside the Constitutional Democratic Party (CDP), but, in other words, the fact reflects that the conservatives fear of united strength of citizens with the opposition political parties.

Answer that Article Nine indicates

Simultaneously, certain uneasiness has been brought in both among Japanese citizens and the opposition political groups by the Russian incursion to Ukraine. Propaganda fiercely continues now, saying that ‘it is necessary to build up military strength, if you do not want to be a Ukraine’.

The tragic realities in Ukraine today, however, shows a correct answer toward this kind of propaganda, doesn’t it? European countries intensify military supports to that nation, but due to their supplies the war prolongs and people face deaths there. The more prevails military power, the more sheds blood of people, who are not responsible for the war.

There are two ways: a solution to a conflict between the states without military means and an armed conflict = war, which might lead to a nuclear war. It is very clear which is more realistic and which is more reasonable in order to reach a settlement.

Here we can find prophetic wisdom of Article Nine of the Constitution, which is superiority of non-armed neutrality that the former Socialist Party of Japan had firmly maintained. You can see examples of Costa Rica in Latin America and the nations in Southeast Asia.

Let’s impede government’s plot to enjoy three years of golden time

Under the circumstances where people are uncertain, the pro-amendment forces will commit in revising the constitution; how to present a proposal to the Diet if they obtain golden time after the Upper House election. These forces, ahead of all, will wage debates on ‘how to attack enemy bases’, ‘how to share nuclear arms’ and ‘how to expand defense budget to 11 trillion yen’. We face a critical situation to struggle so that these attempts should be curbed.

In addition, we have a vital task in the current election to defend the status of the SDP as a political party. The NSP and the SDP must survive as a constitutional pole: we assert non-armed neutrality and defend Peace Constitution, united with people who wish to build ‘a world that will not wage a war’.

The NSP uses the combined list for proportional representation candidates of the SDP in the election. The NSP, keeping its identity, is ready to fight for building up a third pole of defending the constitution. This struggle will last ‘from the 2022 Upper House election to the scheduled one in 2025’.

It is high time for the NSP to work distinctively as the party has sincerely maintained its principle.

June 22, 2022