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No.1266 Council on Minimum Wage will Show Outlook in July-end

Debates on setting a target for the minimum wage are going on amid a period of sharp price hikes. Wages continues to decline in real terms, which cannot be halted, leading to worsening living conditions of the working population. It is urgent to increase the minimum wage in a drastic way.


The current debates on the minimum wage started June 28 in the Central Council on Minimum Wage, led by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Welfare, which is composed of representatives from the sectors of social benefits, labor and management.

\1,500 must be implemented immediately

The government says that the figure for minimum wage should be at \1,000 per hour anywhere in the country by the fiscal 2025, though that is completely insufficient. The highest figure at this moment is achieved in the Tokyo area, \1,041, while the lowest is in Kochi and Okinawa prefectures, which is \820 per hour. The difference is \221, gaps of which are expanding from one region to another.

As for a weighted mean average, it is \930, which means a worker earns annually only \1,674,000 if he/she works for 1,800 hours. According to a survey conducted by the Zenroren, or the National Confederation of Trade Unions, a monthly payment of \240,000 (\1,500 per hour), at the least, is indispensable for a person to live decently anywhere in the country, which is reported in their Investigation on Assets for Minimum Living Costs of the 2022 version.

Some of the big businesses gain tremendous profits, expanding dividends to shareholders and piling up internal reserves, while the working population encounter hardships day by day.

Almost 40% of the working population here are employed on the irregular basis and their average annual income counts \1,762,000, which is close to the minimum wage level. Whether they are employed in the regular or irregular conditions, their incomes are close to the minimum level, being induced closer and closer to it.

Under the circumstances, workers are obliged to survive, economizing in their housing and other essential costs, sometimes engaging in double jobs. They have no savings, being robbed of a way to form a family. It is a crisis of existence; wages in real terms have been shrinking for 25 years. This is a today’s reality in this country.

Government should help more medium-and-small-sized businesses

It is essential for the government to assist financially medium-and-small-sized companies when it commits in surging the minimum wages for workers. Sources are available, if the government imposes only 1% tax on the internal reserves of big businesses, which counts as high as \484 trillion. That would produce a tax revenue amounting almost 5 trillion Yen.

Workers’ organizations present slogans like: ‘pay wages enough to live a decent life if we work 8 hours a day’ and ‘pay \1,500 per hour now’. The Zenrokyo, or the National Trade Union Council, the Zenroren and the Seikyoren, or the Consumers’ Co-operative Union, as well as local organizations have campaigned together across the nation.

These establishments have appealed their demands to the prefectural labor offices and councils on minimum wages, campaigned in the streets in caravans and collected signatures, and etc., exerting the utmost efforts in a creative manner. In the end of July, the central council on the minimum wage will set a prospective figure, which will be conveyed to the local council level for debates to reach a concrete figure. The final decision will be implemented in October.

Let’s stage our campaigns intensively until that day both in the central and local levels. They are (1) to surge massively the minimum wage, (2) to implement a nationally identical norm, rectifying reginal gaps, and (3) to urge the government to intensify its efforts to assist medium-and-small-sized enterprises.

July 13, 2022