




今年すでに値上げしたか値上げを予定する食品の合計が2万9千品目に上る。また、5月の消費者物価指数は前年同月比3・2%上昇。電気料金が6月使用分から15~43%値上げなど物価高騰が止まらない。 時給9 6 1 円では、月160時間働いても約15万円、年収で約184万円にしかならない。ここから、税・社会保険料が差し引かれる。これでは普通に暮らすことは困難で、最賃引上げは待ったなしだ。 










No. 1315 Going Discussions in Council on Minimum Wage

Debates have begun in the Central Council on Minimum Wage to set a target figure for an increase of the payment. An approximate mark will be announced late July and then deliberations will be made at the local-level councils. In the end of August figures in the prefectures will be finalized, and the results will be implemented in October.


The Kishida government is planned this year in its ‘basic reform’ policy to ‘fulfill the target of nationwide weighted average of 1,000 yen’. But the targeted number is not only insufficient to overcome the rising prices to improve livelihood, but also ineffective to rectify gaps form one region to another.

An increase is needed to guarantee humane way of life

Count foodstuff items in total 29,000, whose prices were already raised or to be so this year. The consumer price index of last May was larger by 3.2%, compared with that of May in 2022. As for electricity rate, it will go up by 15-43% from the consumption in June. Prices do not stop growing.

If an employee works for 160 hours a month when his/her wage is \961 per hour, the monthly income is approximately \150 thousand. On the annual basis it represents only \1.84 million. Taxes and social services payments are deducted from this total. Thus, it is hard to lead an ordinary life. An increase in the minimum wage is indispensable.

If the government’s target is to be attained, it is necessary to raise the current average of \961 by \39 (on the digit of 4%). Even if the figure is cleared, that will not lead to upgrading real wages, or assuring a better life to offset the rising prices.

Minimum monthly salary is \250 thousand

In addition, big gaps exist in the minimum wages from a region to another. In Tokyo the minimum is \1,072 per hour, which is the highest, and in Okinawa and other nine prefectures it is \853, the gap being \219. In another twenty-eight prefectures it is lower than \900, which triggers depopulation and desolation. According to a survey on the minimum necessary cost of living of the youth across the country, in any of the prefectures it is proven to be over \250 thousand.

In the last Spring Labor Offensive, workers in the big businesses enjoyed a 3.58% increase on the average in their salaries, a good score recorded after 30 years of absence. But currently 40% of the working population are employed on the irregular status and an overwhelming number of these workers are not organized by trade unions, and therefore the wage increase does not directly reflect on them. In other words, the majority of these workers have a salary similar to the minimum wages.

Let’s fight for a big increase!

Setting the minimum wage has a role of a safety net to sustain the level of necessary wages to guarantee livelihood. Therefore, an upsurge in the minimum wage directly links to daily living of workers. To fight for a big rise is vital.

Furthermore, it is essential for the government to support medium-and-small-sized companies to improve the minimum wage. Today big businesses have accumulated as high as \514 trillion in their internal reserves, and so if the government imposes temporary taxes on the funds, while deciding on reduced social insurance premiums to smaller firms, it is possible to heighten the minimum wage.

The on-going negotiation on the minimum wage is crucially important. We are not by-standers. Let’s commit actively in the struggles to demand higher minimum wages to reflect workers’ voices on the government’s council. Let’s accomplish our nationwide goal of \1,500.

July19, 2023