







    飲食料品の値上げは、年末までに3万品目超に上るという。また、5月の消費者物価指数は、前年同月比3・2%上昇。電気料金が6月使用分から15~ 43 %値上げ、ガソリン価格の上昇など物価高騰が止まらない。 





    全国若者最低生計費調査によれば、全国どこでも月25 万円以上が必要となっている。 今春闘では30年ぶりの水準だったが、非正規労働者が40%で圧倒的に未組織状態の現状では、春闘の賃上げが直接には反映せず、むしろ最賃に近い低賃金で働いている割合が非常に多い。 



No. 1322 On Minimum Wage of 1,000 Yen+ per Hour

The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare recently announced an increase in the minimum wage for each of the prefectures of the country; the current weighted average is \961 per hour, which will be heightened by \43, surging to \1,004 (a rise by 4.5%). But the figure will not work to improve livelihood of working people as a whole, leaving gaps among them.


The targeted number has been cleared in the 24 prefectures, luckily, due to many efforts made locally. The growth was the biggest, but, judging from the today’s price hikes, it will not help to improve livelihood. Thus, regional gaps have become bigger.

\1,500 must be paid immediately

Prime Minister Kishida Fumio said that the minimum wage must be raised to \1,500 on the weighted average basis by the mid-2030 decade across the nation, but it will take 12-15 years from now, with people being left behind. They will have to live in poverty, with growing gaps.

Only eight prefectures have accomplished the target of \1,000, with the highest of \1,113 in Tokyo, meanwhile the lowest is \893 in Iwate Prefecture, with a difference by \220. Discrepancies in the regions have not been rectified. There are 24 prefectures where the minimum wage is recorded below \1,000, in another 15 prefectures the figure is below \900. If these trends continue without any change, depopulation and exodus cannot be stopped in the rural areas.

According to media reports, price hikes will be impacted on over 30 thousand items of beverage and foodstuff by the end of the year. The consumer price index of last May was higher by 3.2%, compared with that of May 2022. As for the electricity rate, it has been raised by 15-43% since June this year. The gas price has surged, too.

If a worker gets an hourly payment of \1,004 and works for 160 hours monthly, he will get approximately 160 thousand yen a month, that is only 1.93 million yen a year. Taxes and social insurance premiums are deducted from the sum. It is hard to lead an ordinary life with this amount of income. The ranking system based on the administrative regions must be abolished and the minimum wage must be set immediately as \1,500 around the country.

When figures are compared with those of other countries, …

The minimum wage of Japan is far behind those of other industrialized countries: it is \2,161 in Los Angeles, the United States, \2,230 in Australia, \1,608 in France, and in Germany it will be \1,760 in 2024 and \1,849 in 2025 in accordance with the pledges. In Republic of Korea the minimum wage will be \1,083 in 2024 by the official decision, which is applicable throughout the nation (with several exceptions). The status of Japan, where disparities are presumed, is abnormal.

Let’s fight to raise the wage!

According to a survey on the youth’s minimum income to sustain living, it is proven a monthly salary to be at least 250 thousand yen in any prefecture of the country.

In the last Spring Labor Offensive, which is annually fought here by organized workers, a good wage hike was recorded, an outcome after 30 years of absence. But, judging from the today’s employment condition where 40% of all workers are hired on the irregular basis and an overwhelming number of them are not organized by trade unions, the increase does not reflect directly on the incomes of majority of workers. Instead, many are left with a similar condition as an earner of the minimum wage.

The gains of the labor offensive mirrors negligence of the long-time stagnancy of salaries of regular workers and the starting wages of public workers sinking below the minimum wage. Labor movements and legal reforms on the minimum wage are essential to raise wages of regular workers and improve the minimum wage system altogether.

September 13, 2023