


  日本の農業・農山村はこの間、農畜産物の輸入自由化によって農業3K状態(過疎、高齢化、後継者不足)に陥り、40万haに及ぶ耕作放棄地の発生、離農者の続出( 1 1 5 万人)などにより崩壊寸前である。 













英語版 ↓

No. 1354 Bill to Revise Basic Act on Agriculture – Future Hope Not Indicated

Debates are currently going in the House of Councilors on the bill to revise the Basic Act on Food, Agriculture and Rural Areas, following its approval by the House of Representatives. It is the first, full-scale revision after 25 years from the enactment. What is needed is improving a food self-sufficiency ratio, restoring the income compensation scheme for individual private farmers and intensifying the Green Strategy.


Japan’s agriculture and lives in rural regions have suffered from three difficulties for years, that is, depopulation, aging private farmers and absence of successors; they are consequences of liberalization of agricultural and livestock farming items. A 400 thousand hectares of cropland has been abandoned and 1.15 million farmers have given up cultivation. A rural life is on the verge of collapse.

Food self-sufficiency ratio remains around 20%

Amendments are proposed in the wake of a fact that people in general are acutely interested in food security, which comes from the crisis-ridden food supply system due to the recent Covid-19 catastrophe and the continuing war of Russia and Ukraine.

Japan’s food self-sufficiency rate has been lingered around 40-37% for the past 20 years. If ‘self-sufficiency of seeds and seedlings is combined, the figure declines to 20-strong percent’ (Specially-Appointed Professor Suzuki Nobuhiro, University of Tokyo). When this ratio is compared with those of other developed countries where 100% has been maintained, the situation in Japan is quite poor.

Withdraw a policy on ‘agriculture to cope with emergencies’

If a food self-sufficiency rate goes up, including restoring the Plant Variety Protection and Seed Act, that will be a key to reactivate agriculture in the country, not limited to increasing food production. The government must recover the ratio by mobilizing all means to deliver food to the people in a stable way.

The proposed bill, however, sticks, again and again, to a scheme to boost a large-scale agriculture production model, emphasizing ‘concentration of arable lands’, ‘enhancement of smart agriculture’, and ‘participation of business entities in agriculture’ - an idea based on an assumption that the core farm workers will be reduced to 300 thousand in coming 20 years (today 1.16 million private farmers).

The bill lacks consideration and review on the fact why agriculture in Japan has gone into decline. It does not show any hopeful future.

Meanwhile, the bill instructs to enact ‘a law to cope with situations in which food supply is hard’; it clearly states that the government will force farmers to cultivate rice, wheat and potato in ‘emergencies’, and if producers resist the direction, they will be fined. This represents ‘an emergency agriculture policy’. Such a bill will not solve difficulties we face today in agriculture, food and rural lives. It must be abolished immediately.

A locally-circulating production and consumption model

Consequently, to establish food security means reactivating agriculture - to remove anxieties of farming families and workers, prevent global warming and contribute to averting environmental and climatic crises.

For this purpose, it is necessary
  1. to restore the income compensation scheme for individual private farmers, which was welcomed with great joy, including raising the food self-sufficiency rate,
  2. to enhance the Green Strategy for Food System, in which the government will increase cultivation land up to 1 million hectares for organic agriculture and pay subsidies for environment preservation efforts, and
  3. to create a system of ‘locally-circulating production and consumption’, whose main pillar is to use locally-produced agriculture and cattle farming goods for school lunch programs.

The bill should design these concepts.

May 8, 2024