
















No. 1361 Ultra-rightists Rose in Elections for European Parliament

In the recent elections held for the European Parliament (720 seats) the ultra-right and the rightwing groups have made substantial gains, occupying 146 seats. The AfD=Alternative fur Deutschland, an ultra-rightist party of Germany, has risen, too. Pro-EU liberal factions, center-rightist parties and leftist and greens entities have maintained 450 seats, but the situation is grave.


As far as the total number of seats is concerned, however, the rightwing has not made a major advance. In Germany and France, which drive the EU as a leading force, rightist groups have made a big stride, while the government parties and the Greens have been lost considerably. The fact has caused severe shocks across Europe, symbolizing a critical phase in the entire EU.

Direct causes are social gaps and the war

The ruling bloc led by President Macron, suffering significant losses before the ultra-rightist party, has announced dissolvement of the Lower House to hold general elections in France. In Germany, the ruling party of Chancellor Scholz, the Social Democratic Party, and the coalition partner, the Greens, too, have been badly defeated. Either of them was unable to attain the results of the ultra-rightist AfD.

Reasons why the rightists have won in both countries are not only attributed to the issue of immigrants, which has been claimed for long, though. The war in Ukraine as well as the increased social gaps has directly hit the people’s life. Due to the sanctions against Russia, prices, including energy, have risen sharply. In Germany, furthermore, the government has kept a policy to forbid to newly build heating systems based on fossil fuels on the ground of environmental norms. Poorer people living in the former East Germany have opposed it.

The ultra-rightist party appealed loudly to ‘buy cheap Russian gas again’. As for the environmental regulations in the agricultural sector, people have been repelling them across Europe; in France, farmers staged protest actions to block streets, driving their tractors. The dissent was braced by the ultra-rightist party.

Military expenditure curbs national economy

People have been left unaided in the hard economic conditions, while spendings for the war in Ukraine have surged enormously. In major EU member states the expenditure have exceeded the mark of 2% of GDP, and plans have been carried out to enhance military capabilities. Thus, EU has ushered in financial catastrophe.

France’s La France insoumise (FI) and Germany’s new, leftist party, the BSW=Bundnis Sahra Wagenknecht, have claimed ‘to end the war in Ukraine and oppose weapons’ export’ and won certain support, but the result was minor. Leftist groups have gained 36 seats. Much of people’s dissatisfaction was absorbed by the rightwing populists.

The G7 Summit was held just after the elections for European Parliament, in which the political leaders agreed to set up a fund amounting \7.8 trillion to assist Ukraine by using profits coming from the frozen Russian assets as mortgage. The policy will further deteriorate finances of each country as the seven governments will commit in official assurance to be ready for lifting of the sanctions in the future.

EU is fallen to bottomless confusion

In parallel with the G7 event, a defense ministers’ meeting of NATO was held, in which they have reached an agreement that the European nations will shoulder tasks which the United States had been engaged in, such as training of the Ukrainian armed forces and transporting and repairing of military equipment, with an assumption that Mr. Trump may become President, who might weaken supporting Ukraine.

The EU has approved to attack Russia’s territory by employing the weapons sent by the respective nations. No ceasefire can be prospected. The EU is falling into bottomless confusion. Meanwhile, however, in France, a popular front was organized, pivoting on the Confederation Generale du Travail (CGT) and the La France insoumise, contesting the ultra-rightist party and disputing the Macron regime. That is a hope.

July 3, 2024