











 非正規の賃金水準は、多くが最賃にへばりついている。日本の労働者の組織率は17 %と低い上に企業別組合で、多くの労働者、特に非正規は団体交渉の外に置かれ、格差が是正できない構造が温存されてきた。



No. 1372 How Must Be Revision on Minimum Wage?

All the 47 prefectures’ offices of the country have announced revised figures on the minimum wage. A rise has been made, which is higher than the ‘estimated increase’ in this fiscal, which was \50 across the board. This positive record follows the last year’s results. It is because of a series of polices taken to curb recent price hikes and to restrain shortage and drainage of labor force in the countryside, including Tokushima Prefecture.


A hike in the minimum wages is calculated independently by a council of each of 47 prefectural offices; a local council refers to the ‘estimated increase’ announced by the Central Council on Minimum Wage belonging to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. It is classified into three categories of A, B and C, to be applied to each prefecture by analyzing relevant economic factors.

In particular, in Tokushima Prefecture, which recorded the second lowest figure last year, Governor has repeatedly demanded the prefectural council to raise the minimum wage by a big margin on the ground that living costs and prices stay ‘above the average norm’ in comparison with those of other prefectures.

Consequently, the prefecture has shown a high figure of \85, which is unprecedented, and it is called ‘a Tokushima shock’. As a result, in 16 prefectures the minimum wages have exceeded the level of \1,000 per hour thanks to the surges achieved in various regions.

Contradictions in differences from one prefecture to another

The minimum wage scheme was launched in 1978 and ranking has been revised frequently up to today on the basis of ‘comprehensive indexes’; they are comprised of multiple economic elements, including an average income per capita in the prefecture, expenses in the consumption per household, and etc. Differences in the monetary figures in the minimum wages come from these gaps in the indexes from one prefecture to another.

For this reason, in the year 2023 the rankings were reduced to three, namely A, B and C, from the previous four categories from A to D. But unfortunately, regional gaps have not been filled up, causing population drainage. Meanwhile, however, differences in the living costs per prefecture have been reduced, according to certain analysts.

An ‘estimated increase’, for what?

Officials in the Tokushima Prefecture’s Labor Council told that ‘Governor’s advice was incorporated in the results.’ Usually, local councils discuss an increase in the minimum wages, referring to the announcements from the Ministry. The chairman of the Tokushima’s council clearly mentioned that ‘it had changed the way, avoiding the standardized figures.’ This means a posture against the current practices that preserve existing regional gaps and only catch up with price hikes.

Income levels of casual laborers, mostly, stay below the minimum wages. In Japan an organizational rate of workers into labor unions has been as low as 17%, and, in addition, trade unions are vertically divided by business entities. Workers, especially irregular workers, are left outside the labor-management negotiation tables, pushed into the structures full of breaches.

Basic salaries of such workers must be raised as those engaged in the sectors of health, elderly care, nursing, education, public services of municipal and transport offices, life-saving infrastructure to supply gas, water, electricity and communication, logistics, and dealings of daily necessities. It is vital for the state’s government to establish a wage system which sets figures per profession based on the specific minimum wage norms (the ex-framework of the minimum wages per industry) for essential workers, together with implementation of a single, nationwide minimum wage standard.

September 25, 2024