















No. 1341 Ruling LDP’s Fundraising Party Tickets Scandal

A bribe scandal of party tickets sales of the intraparty factions of ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has now ushered in a new dimension after the special investigation unit of the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office announced criminal procedures. A problem of politics and money, however, twists democracy. The dishonor must be thoroughly investigated. Struggles to rectify politics have just started.


Five factions inside the LDP made earnings from selling fundraising party tickets, which was first reported by a Sunday issue of the Akahata, a weekly of the Japanese Communist Party, in November two years ago. Prof. Kamiwake Hiroshi, Kobe Gakuin University, did not perceive instinctively that the case represents simple accounting errors. Then he checked the financial reports on political organizations of those parties who had sold tickets on one hand and of those who had bought them on the other. He has found bribes to disclose them. The incident has become a criminal event.

Suspicious money must be kept secret

If the money had been recorded rightly in the funding statement, that would have been all right, people say. No! The LDP has managed loopholes of the regulative laws, taking advantage of the kick-backed extra incomes related to the fundraising events. The party members do not log inflows as they do not regard them as legitimate.

The politicians needed secret money, because they have involved in matters that violate rules of laws and democracy. Tax money amounting as much as 16 billion and 53 million yen (a total of 24 years) has been paid to the ruling LDP as grants for political activities. The recent disclosure tells us that another cash flew to the robber side.

Incidentally, Chairman Tokura Masakazu of the Keidanren, or the Japan Business Foundation, expressed openly ‘where a problem is seen’ after replying that ‘the Foundation contributes to the society’ over the fact that his organization pays approximately 2.4 billion yen to the LDP every year as political funds. If he insists on contributing to the Japanese society, he should pay money to all political parties.

A system of the political party grants was established with a presumption to abolish donations from enterprises and private organizations in order to terminate plutocracy. The statement of Chairman Tokura represents a fact that patronage politics still undergoes today. The LDP enjoys three kinds of influxes, including the fundraising events tickets. A vicious practice.

The LDP, which is corrupt, tarnished with dirty money and concessions, cannot understand harsh plight of people’s life. People in general are required to record income and expenditure actions under the Invoice Program even though the amounts are small, while the LDP politicians gain an enormous sum of money off the book. Unacceptable indeed.

Leaders of LDP’s intraparty factions are exempted from an application of the collective responsibility scheme for violating the Political Fund Control Act. A top person of the Abe Faction, in particular, made an open apology, after escaping criminal charges, and announced the sum of kick-backed money. Cabinet members and lawmakers of the Abe Faction had led the campaign to decrease aids to beneficiaries of the Life Protection Service during the time of Abe administrations. Many people get mad, remembering their attitudes.

Shut loopholes!

The Political Fund Control Act is said to be extravagant, as it has many loopholes. It is impossible to end transactions of secret money that deforms politics, unless the law prohibits exceptions. It is essential to revise the Law so as to contain a collective responsibility scheme in which lawmakers owe accountability jointly.

Relying solely on politicians cannot change the law. A notion that politics needs money must be rejected. To correct politics and defend democracy lies in people’s anger and actions.

February 7, 2024